Best Quantum Computing Stocks To Buy Now | Stocks to Watch

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Best Quantum Computing Stocks To Buy Now
Best Quantum Computing Stocks To Buy Now

Investing in quantum computing stocks can be exciting, but it's also a high-risk, high-reward proposition. The technology is still in its early stages, and it's difficult to predict which companies will ultimately be successful. However, if you're looking for potential long-term plays in this promising field, here are some options to consider:

Pure-play Quantum Computing Companies

Rigetti Computing (RGTI): A leading player in superconducting quantum computers, with a focus on pharmaceutical and materials science applications.


Positive momentum: Rigetti outperformed in Q2 2023, exceeding expectations with their first QPU sale to a national lab. This positive momentum suggests continued growth.
Promising technology: Rigetti boasts a unique hybrid approach with both superconducting and topological qubits, potentially offering advantages in scalability and error correction.
Focus on software: Rigetti's focus on software and cloud-based quantum solutions could make them more accessible and user-friendly for various applications.
Undervalued potential: Some analysts consider RGTI undervalued, with potential for significant price appreciation as the quantum computing market matures.
Strong partnerships: Rigetti has established partnerships with major players like Volkswagen and the University of Chicago, potentially boosting its reach and development.


Early stage: Like all quantum computing companies, Rigetti is still in its early stages, with limited revenue and facing the uncertainties of technological development.
High competition: Rigetti faces competition from established tech giants and other startups in the crowded quantum computing field.
Volatile stock: RGTI's share price has fluctuated significantly, with potential for further volatility in the future.
Financial stability: Being pre-revenue, Rigetti relies heavily on funding and partnerships, raising concerns about long-term financial stability.


Rigetti has promising technology, positive momentum, and a focus on user-friendly solutions, making them a potentially attractive investment in the quantum computing space. However, the risks associated with being an early-stage company and the competitive landscape are significant.

IonQ (IONQ): Develops trapped-ion quantum computers, well-suited for financial modeling and cryptography.


  • Pure-play: IonQ is exclusively focused on quantum computing, allowing you direct exposure to this potentially revolutionary technology.
  • Leading tech: It claims to have a unique and scalable trapped-ion technology, potentially giving it an edge in the race to build powerful quantum computers.
  • Growth potential: The quantum computing market is expected to explode in the coming years, and IonQ could be well-positioned to capture a significant share.
  • Strong track record: IonQ has partnered with major players like Google and BMW and recently achieved a new record in qubit fidelity (accuracy).
  • High return potential: As a speculative stock in an early-stage industry, IonQ could offer significant upside if the technology takes off.


  • High risk: Quantum computing is still in its early stages, and there's no guarantee of success. IonQ faces stiff competition from established tech giants and other startups.
  • Limited revenue: As a pre-revenue company, IonQ is highly reliant on funding and partnerships. Its long-term profitability remains uncertain.
  • Volatile stock: IonQ's share price has fluctuated significantly since its IPO, and this volatility could continue.
  • Lack of diversification: Investing solely in IonQ exposes your portfolio to the risks of one company and one industry.


IonQ has the potential to be a lucrative investment if quantum computing lives up to its hype. However, it's a high-risk, high-reward play. Consider your risk tolerance and investment goals carefully before making a decision.

D-Wave Systems (DWA): Pioneers in commercial quantum annealing technology, used for optimization problems in logistics and finance.


  • First mover advantage: D-Wave is the first and only company to commercially sell quantum computers, giving them a head start in the market.
  • Unique technology: D-Wave uses a different technology called quantum annealing, which excels at certain optimization problems compared to other quantum approaches.
  • Growing revenue: D-Wave's revenue has been steadily increasing, with bookings in Q2 2023 up 146% year-over-year.
  • Focus on enterprise applications: D-Wave is targeting practical applications for its technology, such as logistics and materials science, which could lead to faster adoption.
  • Recent compliance: D-Wave recently regained compliance with NYSE listing requirements, boosting investor confidence.


  • Limited scalability: D-Wave's current quantum computers have a small number of qubits (quantum bits), limiting their capabilities for complex problems.
  • Competition: D-Wave faces competition from other quantum computing companies with different technologies that may be more versatile in the long run.
  • Profitability concerns: D-Wave is still unprofitable and relies heavily on funding, raising concerns about its financial sustainability.
  • Volatile stock: D-Wave's stock price has been volatile, with potential for further fluctuations in the future.
  • Smaller market share: Compared to some competitors, D-Wave has a smaller market share in the quantum computing space.



D-Wave is a pioneer in the quantum computing field with a proven track record and focus on practical applications. However, its limited scalability, profitability concerns, and competitive landscape raise risks for investors.


Quantum Computing Inc. (QUBT): Works on various quantum hardware and software technologies, with a focus on cloud-based solutions.


Pros of QUBT

  • Affordability: Compared to other quantum computing stocks, QUBT is relatively inexpensive, making it accessible to a wider range of investors.
  • Diversified approach: QUBT doesn't solely focus on hardware. They also offer cloud-based software like Qatalyst, catering to a broader customer base.
  • Merger momentum: QUBT's recent merger with QPhoton doubled its size and resources, potentially accelerating their development efforts.
  • Focus on nanophotonics: QUBT's focus on nanophotonic-based quantum technology could offer advantages in miniaturization and scalability.
  • Experienced leadership: CEO Robert Liscouski brings extensive experience in the tech industry, potentially boosting investor confidence.

Cons of QUBT

  • Early stage: Like all quantum computing companies, QUBT is still in its early stages with limited revenue and significant technological hurdles to overcome.
  • Competition: QUBT faces stiff competition from established players and other startups in the rapidly evolving quantum computing space.
  • Volatile stock: QUBT's stock price has fluctuated significantly, and this volatility could continue in the future.
  • Unproven technology: The commercial viability of QUBT's nanophotonic approach is yet to be fully demonstrated.
  • Financial uncertainty: QUBT is pre-revenue and relies heavily on funding, raising concerns about its long-term financial stability.


QUBT presents an intriguing opportunity for investors seeking exposure to the promising, yet high-risk, world of quantum computing. Its affordability, diversified approach, and experienced leadership are attractive points. However, the early stage of the company, intense competition, and unproven technology necessitate careful consideration of the potential risks.

Tech Giants with Quantum Initiatives

  • Microsoft (MSFT): Heavily invested in quantum software and cloud computing infrastructure for quantum applications.
  • Alphabet (GOOG): Google Quantum AI is making strides in quantum algorithms and error correction.
  • NVIDIA (NVDA): Leading player in AI and graphics processing, with potential applications in quantum computing hardware and software.
  • Amazon (AMZN): AWS Center for Quantum Networking is fostering collaboration and research in the field.
  • Intel (INTC): Developing silicon spin qubit technology for scalable quantum computers.

Additional Factors to Consider

  • Financial stability and track record: Choose companies with strong financials and a history of successful execution.
  • Technological focus and partnerships: Consider the company's specific technology and their partnerships with other players in the ecosystem.
  • Market potential and long-term vision: Analyze the company's target market and their vision for the future of quantum computing.


  • Quantum computing is a long-term investment. Don't expect immediate returns.
  • Diversify your portfolio to mitigate risk.
  • Do your own research and consult a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

I hope this information helps you get started on your journey into the exciting world of quantum computing stocks!

DISCLAIMER: This article by Eivod is general in nature. We provide investment opinions, based on historical data and our articles are not intended to be investment advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis, driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Eivod has no position in any stocks mentioned.

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